Silent Witness

9:00 PM to 11:20 PM
Sunday 12 May

The Prodigal

Season 14 Episode 5 of 5

Feature-length episode. Harry and Nikki investigate a shooting at the Dutch embassy, where several people are killed and the ambassador's daughter Klara is wounded. Complications arise when orders are given to keep the identity of a dead bodyguard a secret, and an outside pathologist is appointed to explore the case. As Klara recovers in hospital, she gradually begins to remember who was responsible for the incident. Kate Ashfield (Collision), Lorcan Cranitch (Cracker) and Matthew McNulty (Lark Rise to Candleford) guest star

Silent Witness airs on Drama at 9:00 PM, Sunday 12 May. (Subtitles, audio description.)
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Movie ➝ Drama
Detective ➝ Thriller
William Gaminara
Tom Ward
Emilia Fox