
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Friday 10 May

Gods and Monsters

Season 2 Episode 7 of 13

The team encounters a high-school student with the devastating ability to control minds, and concerns are raised about the impact the boy's power has on those under his thrall. With the stakes higher than ever, Rosen is forced to join up with Stanton Parish to bring the teenager in for tests, unaware that his arch enemy has an ulterior motive for lending a hand. Sci-fi thriller, guest starring John Pyper-Ferguson and Connor Price

Alphas airs on Sky Replay at 9:00 PM, Friday 10 May. (Repeat, subtitles.)
Learn more about Alphas and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Science Fiction
David Strathairn
Ryan Cartwright
Warren Christie