Love Your Garden

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Tuesday 14 May

Season 4 Episode 4 of 8

Alan Titchmarsh and the team are called to Runcorn, Cheshire, by Karan Waller, who wants to thank her family for all the support they have given her as she battles a brain tumour. Her garden is the smallest the crew has ever tackled, so Alan is determined to make the best possible use of every inch of space. David Domoney builds bespoke seating from slate that also incorporates handy storage, Frances Tophill demonstrates ways of maintaining colour in the garden all year round, and Katie Rushworth helps to create an extra planted area on the roof of the new shed. As an additional challenge, the experts transform Karan's front garden into a welcoming, flower-filled paradise

Love Your Garden airs on HGTV at 8:00 AM, Tuesday 14 May. (Subtitles, audio description.)
Leisure hobbies
Alan Titchmarsh
David Domoney
Katie Rushworth