The Blacklist

2:00 AM to 3:00 AM
Saturday 11 May

Ruslan Denisov (No. 67)

Season 2 Episode 11 of 22

The task force mounts a rescue mission in Uzbekistan when an undercover CIA agent is kidnapped by a band of separatists led by a highly dangerous past associate of Red's. However, Keen and Ressler soon learn who they are up against when they too are taken hostage by a man with a strong political cause who insists they deliver a very important message

The Blacklist airs on 5USA at 2:00 AM, Saturday 11 May. (Subtitles, repeat.)
Learn more about The Blacklist and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Detective ➝ Thriller
James Spader
Megan Boone
Diego Klattenhoff