The Bill

7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
Saturday 27 April

Conviction: Breaking Point

Season 25 Episode 41 of 65

Part three of six. Smithy proves to be a hero when a lorry driver suddenly abandons his load of illegal Afghan immigrants in the road and falling boxes in the vehicle kill a man, trapping his daughter. A translator helps the team link the people-trafficking operation with Jason Devlin, who is later found provoking a full blown riot on the Westgate Estate by evicting illegals from his properties. In the ensuing violence, Stevie is beaten unconscious by Devlin and Smithy loses his self-control

The Bill airs on W at 7:00 AM, Saturday 27 April. (Subtitles.)
Movie ➝ Drama
Police ➝ Crime Drama
Alex Walkinshaw
Sam Callis
Lucy Speed