Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies

10:15 AM to 11:10 AM
Monday 17 June


Season 1 Episode 3 of 10

Craig and space journalist Sarah Cruddas consider incidents over the US that it has been suggested are being covered up by the Pentagon. They take on the US Navy UAP videos - the 'Tic-Tac' footage, filmed from the USS Nimitz in 2004 off San-Diego, and the 'Go-Fast' and 'Gimbal' videos filmed between 2014 and 2015 off the East Coast in the Atlantic from the USS Theodore Roosevelt

Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies airs on Blaze at 10:15 AM, Monday 17 June.
Learn more about Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies and other education/science/factual topics on our factual page
Education ➝ Science ➝ Factual Topics
Craig Charles
Sarah Cruddas