New Tricks

10:00 PM to 11:20 PM
Tuesday 28 May

Coming Out Ball

Season 7 Episode 8 of 10

The former leader of an Irish Republican group comes forward with information regarding the abduction and subsequent disappearance of an 18-year-old woman in 1983, prompting the team to reopen the case. The reformed dissident claims the rebels used the kidnapping to raise their profile, but his subsequent reinvention as a politician and man of peace leaves Sandra and her colleagues suspicious of his motives. They also investigate whether the arms-manufacturing activities of the victim's father could have made her a target. Crime drama, guest starring Sian Phillips and Annette Crosbie, with Amanda Redman and James Bolam

New Tricks airs on Drama at 10:00 PM, Tuesday 28 May. (Subtitles, audio description.)
Learn more about New Tricks and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Detective ➝ Thriller
Alun Armstrong
James Bolam
Amanda Redman