The Bletchley Circle

10:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Saturday 15 June

Season 2 Episode 4 of 4

Part two of two. Lack of action by the police leaves the women to conclude there must be corruption within the vice squad and that catching the gang red-handed is their only option. Plotting to infiltrate the crime ring to find out the location of the hotel being used as a base, they visit Marta in her restaurant, pretending Jean is a potential new client. This leads to an opportunity for Lucy to memorise the businesswoman's ledger, which may hold the key to the whole operation

The Bletchley Circle airs on Drama at 10:00 PM, Saturday 15 June. (Subtitles.)
Learn more about The Bletchley Circle and other movie/drama on our drama page
Movie ➝ Drama
Detective ➝ Thriller
Rachael Stirling
Hattie Morahan
Sophie Rundle