Naked Attraction

11:00 PM to 12:05 AM
Friday 3 May

Dom & Izzy

Season 2 Episode 1 of 10

Twenty-one-year-old Dom from Hampshire has been nominated for the show by his mum, in a desperate attempt to break his dismal dating record. Dom wants to find a partner who shares his love of adventure and isn't bothered by his posh boy charm. There's also 22-year-old pansexual Izzy, who is open to dating any gender, but with so much on offer, will she make the right choice?

Naked Attraction airs on E4 at 11:00 PM, Friday 3 May. (Subtitles, audio description.)
Show ➝ Game Show
Challenge ➝ Reality Show
Anna Richardson
Mike Cotton
Executive Producer
Steven Handley
Series Editor
Matt Green
Series Producer